When creating an info request process, you can add multiple documents to enable your people to review and sign off on company policies and other important documents. As your business changes, you can also amend what policies are included in the info request. This article will review how to add a policy to an info request process.
Follow Me.
1. First, to add a policy to a process you need to ensure you have added the policy to your Organisation Library. For support on completing this, please click here to view a step by step guide.
2. Second you need to set up security setting of a document. Please refer to the following article for the steps: How Do I Update The Security Settings Of A Document?
3. Navigate to Settings > Rules and select the Process templates tab
4. Under the Process Group drop-down select Information Request and then under the Process Select the Process drop-down and select Important Policies
5. Scroll down to the Process Steps Setup and click on the Important Policies step
6. When editing the step, ensure the content type is 'Read Document'
7. Click Add from library and find the documents within your Org Library that you want included in this step. You can have multiple documents in one step.
8. Select what level of auditing you would like to apply to the documents being read.
i. None: untick "Must "Accept" and "Decline"' for the user to only be required to read the policies but not accept them. This will store a copy of the policies in the employee library but won't watermark stamped them.
ii. Accept Documents: Tick "Must "Accept" and "Decline"', and select 'None' under Required Security to Accept. This will require the employee to Accept or Decline the policies and watermark each page of the documents confirming acceptance. The watermark will stamp “Accepted”, including date and time. A copy of the policies with the watermark will be stored in the employee library.
iii. Authorised Documents: Tick "Must "Accept" and "Decline"', and select 'Password' under Required Security to Accept. This will require the employee to enter their password to Accept or Decline the policies and watermark each page of the documents confirming acceptance. The watermark will stamp “Authorised”, including date and time. A copy of the policies with the watermark will be stored in the employee library.iv. Signed Documents: Tick "Must "Accept" and "Decline"', and select 'Signature (and password)' under Required Security to Accept. This will require the employee to enter their password and digital signature to Accept or Decline the policies and watermark each page of the documents confirming acceptance. The watermark will stamp “Signed”, including date and time. A copy of the policies with the watermark will be stored in the employee library.
9. Fill in details in the remainder of the step and click Save.