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How to issue a new contract for an employee via an Info Request

Would you like your employees to sign an updated employment contract or contract document?

Follow these steps to learn how to set up and activate an Information Request which allows employees to easily sign new documents.


Follow Me.

1. If this is your first time setting up an Info Request, please follow steps 1-7 in the How to create an Information Request article

Note: If you would like to use a contract template currently stored in Flare, please follow the steps below.

If you are going to use your own custom contract, created as a PDF outside of Flare, please jump to Step 6.

2. Go to Employee> Employee Details and Role to make all required changes

A contract template stored in Flare uses merge fields (ie. {Employee.Salary} etc.) which are pulled from the employee's profile in Flare.

If using a template contract template that is currently stored in Flare, you need to ensure all changes (e.g. Salary, Job title etc.) have been made to the employee's profile and have been approved. 

Only once that has happened will the correct information be pulled into the applicable merge fields.

3. Go to Employee > Role and ensure the correct Contract Group is selected  

When using a contract template in Flare, you have the ability to specifically select which contract you would like to issue to the employee. 

In the Contract Group dropdown, ensure you select the contract or contract variation template that applies. 

Don't forget to Save!

4. Head over to Employees > Role.

On the right side of the page, locate the Info Request button


Note: This will only appear if you have permission to launch Info Requests

5. A pop up window will appear, complete the below actions:

Select Required Process: Select the Info Request you have previously created and would like to launch out to an employee.

Purpose of this process: Give a sentence of why this process needs to be done - this will not be visible to the employee.

Title: Give the request a title (e.g. Contract variation)

Note: This will be visible to the employee at the beginning of the process as the title

Request: Give a description of this request

Note: This will be visible to the employee at the beginning of the process underneath the title

6. Select the employee(s) you wish to send this Info Request to

7. By Clicking the drop down of the contract signing step, you can choose if you wish to use a custom PDF contract. Please upload the PDF if this applies.


If this is not the case for you, you can just click Submit and the matching employment contract template (or contract based on the Contract Group you have selected) will be used.

8. Click 'Submit' 
9. Next time the respective employee(s) log in, the Info Request will be open and display instead of the Dashboard.




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