The Personal Details Page within Flare provides you with various bits of employee information as well as access to editing items such as address, contact details, or email. This guide explains what the various fields are in the Personal Details Page.
Follow Me.
When going through the Employees menu you will find up to six sub-menus.
(If you do not see all of these worry not, it simply means that you do not need these based on your responsibilities)
Now let's go on and discover the "Employee Details" Section. When opening it you will see that other sub-menus appear under "Employee Details". We will go through Personal Details together.
Personal Details
In the "Personal Details" you will find information about the employee's Name, contact phone numbers, their address and other personal details. Depending on your permissions the content you view may be restricted.
Name and Contact information:
This section is used to populate the employee's Flare profile. Within the employee search if they add a preferred first name this is what will be displayed.
Employees also have the ability to hide their email and mobile number from display in the directory
Note: the email displayed with (*) is the employees email they must use to log into their Flare account
Address Details:
The Address section is required to be completed as it populates within various reporting and forms within Flare.
Note: The address is required as it is included in the Tax File Declaration submission to the ATO
Personal Info:
Within the personal info section there are two mandatory fields, these are displayed with a (*), these fields are Date of birth and Gender.
When an employee is added to Flare they are assigned two ID's. Employee Number can be the specified number you have allocated or a flare generated number. If required you can edit the employee's employee number. The second is the Flare ID, this is the employees unique ID that is used to identify the employee within Flare auditing, this ID can not be changed.
In addition to adding various bits of personal information, you can also upload a personal profile picture as well as add notes for any other details you might wish to share.
Note: the above personal details are from a demo account and the TFN is not real