How To Add a New Person in Flare

It's always exciting when a new member starts! To add a new employee to Flare HR, follow the below steps. The level of detail that needs to be completed for the following sections will vary across accounts due to differing implementation setups. Whilst there are compulsory fields marked with an asterisk (*) it is recommended to fill in as much detail as possible. 

Follow me

1. Navigate to Organisation > Manage Employees > Specify the entity (located in the top right hand corner) > Add a new person. Select which status your new employee belongs to - this can be a Candidate, New hire and proceed with onboarding, or an Existing employee not in Flare.  

    • New hire and proceed with onboarding - A user created with this status will be prompted to proceed with Onboarding by a Welcome email being sent out. This will generate a contract based on the details provided in the following steps.
    • Candidate - A candidate will add the user to Flare however, no Welcome email will be sent. This means that a contract is not generated and the employee is not considered ‘Active’ in Flare. To promote to an active employee you would need to navigate to Organisation > Manage Employees and under the ‘Show the following employees’ filter select ‘New candidates who need to be sent an offer’.
    • Existing employee not in Flare - A user created with this status will be prompted to proceed with Active Onboarding.


2. Complete the employee's details. All fields with an asterisk (*) are mandatory fields and need to be completed to add a new user.  

3. Ensure that Address is added as this is typically populated in the employee’s contract. Select the Edit box to expand and fill in the fields. This address will be validated by the employee during onboarding. 


4. Assign a Division, Department, and Job structure to the employee. When completing this, select Edit and then click the drop-down arrows next to each menu option to reveal the branching structure. Once all three items are selected, the box will collapse with the selection that you have chosen.

Next expand the Edit button under Position Management. This will allow a new position and reporting line to be added to the new user.

    • If a new hire is replacing a previous employee, then in the position drop down menu all of the open positions which can be chosen, with the appropriate reporting line will be listed. The open positions will be readily seen and managed in Enterprise > Org Chart.
    • If a new hire is not replacing a previous employee a New position needs to be created. To do so, you should select New position tickbox and name the position and reporting line. Our recommendation is to always use this option.
    • Ensure to select Set position after the appropriate position and reporting line has been assigned.


Input the
Salary details. The Salary (excl super)* needs to be filled in, in conjunction with the Per* drop-down. If the employee is on an hourly wage, the salary input should be the employee's hourly wage. These two items must relate to each other.

Note: You may need to include the 'Salary (incl super)' box depending on which merge field is used in the contract. Contact your system administrator if you are unsure which fields to include and not to include. 


7. Select Edit to expand the Payroll info box and fill in all mandatory fields. Cost centres, whilst not mandatory, may be important for your account. 

Note: If your account is set up to show Work pattern then click the Edit button next to the heading. A new box will appear to select the appropriate work pattern. Click the drop-down arrow to choose from the list. After you have selected a work pattern. Ensure it is correct by selecting the drop-down arrow next to Rule details to see in more detail the conditions of the selected Work pattern.

8. Select Preview Contract to review the contract you will send to employees with the status of New hire and proceed with onboarding. 

9. When all fields are completed and you are sure, select Onboard employee.
Note: the name of this button will change depending on the employee status. 


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