Once you have learned How to create fillable forms for use in Flare , you can have certain employee information populated on the form.
This is handy when you would like to use information available in Flare to be prefilled on your forms, for employees to simply validate during an Onboarding or Info Request process.
This can easily be done by adding available merge fields into PDF documents.
Follow Me
1. Log into Flare and navigate to Organization>Library.
2. Select location into which you wish to upload the form.
3. Select and
and choose the appropriate file from your computer to upload.
4. Once uploaded, right click the document and select Map form fields
5. You will see the name of the fields you populated in the PDF editor under the column Form field name.
Click into the row in the Map to field column and a drop down box will appear.
6. From the dropdown, select the appropriate merge field from the drop down menu.
7. Click Update
When used in an Onboarding or Info Request process, your forms will now populate with the user's or your company information (depending on the selected Merge fields).
If you wish to also apply a signature to the form visit the how to map a signature to a form or document.
In order to test, you can create an info request. If unsure how to create an info request click here.