How To Navigate the Organisation Process Screen

The Process screen in Flare will allow you to check the status of completion of an indvidual's Onboarding, Active Onboarding or Info Request. You can view who has completed a process or see which steps might be outstanding. 

This screen will allow you to assist an employee who has questions about the process or following up with an employee that has yet to complete it. 

Please note that items will display as 'No action required' if no further input is required from you.

Follow me:

1. Go to Organisation > Process (ensure you have permission to access this page)

2. Select the process type via the arrows (Onboarding and Offboarding, Information Request or Custom)

3. Select the process from the drop down

4. Click on the arrow in the Select row to filter this further. 

  • Select target employee - Search for the process completion of a specific employee by entering their name into this search field. 
  • Department - Filter employees and their process completion by a specific Department. 
  • Division - Filter employees and their process completion by a specific Division.
  • Show completed - Tick this box to view all completed process instances.  
  • Refresh - Click this button to refresh the page. This comes in handy when jumping in between different processes and needing to refresh the results. 



4. Track employee completion percentage


5. Click on 'View' next to the employee to open an overview of all individual steps they need to complete. 

The overview will open at the bottom of the screen. 


6. If the checkbox at the top right corner of a step is marked as 'All done', it has been completed by the employee.


Important things to note: 

  • No action required - Please note that steps that require action from the employee only will display greyed out and as 'No action required'. This does not impact the requirement on their end to complete this step. 
  • Data displayed - For security reasons, this area shows your data (not the employee's detail).
  • Steps marked as completed - 'Display information' steps such as 'Introduction to Onboarding' will always show as a completed step. This means a percentage of the process may be shown as completed, despite the employee not having logged in yet.
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