Upload/Add a Document to the Organisation Library

Flare can store all of your organisation's policies, forms and other documents in an easy to access place – your Flare Organisation Library. Within the organisation library, you can organise your documents, upload documents, and create private/public files. 

This article will walk you through how to add documents in the Organisation Library. For more information on using your Organisational Library, view our other how to guides below:

How to Move a Document in the Organisation Library

How to Delete a Document in the Organisation Library

How Do I Rename, Add & Delete A Folder In The Organisation Library?


Follow Me. 

  1. From the Menu, select Organisation > Library.
  2. From the folders listed in your Flare library, select the one you wish to store the document in.
  3. Select Add new document and enter a document title in the pop-up.
  4. Click Select and upload and a pop-up showing your document folders on your PC will appear. Select the document you wish to upload and click Open. The document will upload to your Flare library and will appear as an icon on the Library page under the chosen folder.


  5. To adjust permissions on the document,  right-click on the document and select Properties.
  6. Within the pop-up screen, select Security and edit who can access this document under Group share and/ or Person share.  Save changes by clicking Update.  




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