How To Add a Job Description Document Sign-Off Step to Onboarding

When setting up jobs you have the ability to add a job description document for your employees to review and sign off on during their onboarding journey. 

This comprises two parts:

1) Adding job descriptions to jobs in Flare for sign-off

2) Adding the job description sign off step to the onboarding process

The below article reviews how to add the job descriptions sign off step to the onboarding process.

Follow Me.

1. Settings > Rules > Process Templates. Locate the relevant process and then scroll down to find the Process steps setup.add_job_description_1.gif

2. Click the Add_Step.png button. In the blank step you've just created - complete the step details (title, allocate step group, instruction) and select Read and Sign JobDocument as the content type.


3. Click Save to save your details.

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