How to use the Read and Sign Job Document Step in a Process Template


When setting up an onboarding journey you have the ability to add a step that allows a new employee to review and sign documents related specifically to their job. 

Please ensure your job records (templates) are set up to continue with the process below.

Please follow the below steps to allow a review and signature of the document - 

Follow Me.

Add the step to the workflow

1. Settings > Rules > Process Templates. Locate the relevant process and then scroll down to find the Process steps setup.add_job_description_1.gif

2. Click the Add_Step.png button. In the blank step you've just created - complete the step details (title, allocate step group, instruction) and select Read and Sign JobDocument as the content type.


Ensure job documents are added to jobs

Please note: If no documents are attached to a job, there will be nothing for the employee to review and sign. 
3. Go to Settings > Setup > Jobs. Select the Job you would like to add a document to.


4. In the Documents required for this job section, select which folder you would like the Job Description to appear, once the employee has signed it (e.g. 'Completed Documents') 

Note: What you're doing here is saying 'When the employee has completed the Sign Job Documents step in onboarding, put a copy of any documents they've reviewed in this folder'.

5. Click Add from Library and find the respective document in the Organisational Library via the Select Documents popup. 

Click Select to attach them to the Job Record.

6. Locate and 'right click' on the newly added document then select Sign off required.

Note: If this is missed, the document won't appear for signoff during onboarding.


Important: The Job Description document must have a signature field attached to it. If there's no signature mapped, then a signature won't be applied on the job description document.

If this hasn't been done yet, please go to Organisation > Library > Right click on the Job Description Document > Click Map Form Fields > Add a signature record. More information on this Knowledge Base article is available. 


What's next? 

Would you like to know how to attach specific documents directly to the job record?


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