How To Approve an Approval Request on Someone’s Behalf

Approvals in Flare are used to ensure that certain changes applied to employee profiles such as salary changes, job title changes, or leave requests go through an approval process before the change takes effect.

For every approval request, there's a designated approver who needs to allow the change. However, in some cases, approvers may not available to sign off on an approval. During these cases, it is important to have an escalation process in place. This article walks you through how to approve a request on someone's behalf.

To do this, you first need access to "Global Approval Override." If you are unsure of how to set up a Global Approval Override, please see our How to set up an Approval Override article.

For more general information on the approval set up process, please view the following articles first:

Follow Me.

  1. Navigate to Organisation > Approvals
  2. Select All under the Approvers drop-down list to make all approval requests in the account visible
  3. Click on the thumbs up button beside the relevant approval request
  4. Add a comment to record why you're approving a request on behalf of someone else
  5. Click Approve

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