Audit Employee Payroll Record Changes


The audit function within the Flare screen is a great tool, but does not display all changes that relate to an employees payroll record. 

Follow me.

1. Navigate to FlareConnect > PayConnect

2. In the Payconnect screen, you can filter the data by Time/ Type/ Entity and Status if needed. Once filters are applied the details will display on the screen. To view more details tick the More detail checkbox.  

3. Click Export to Excel to download a CSV file with the selected data.


4. Within Excel, you can apply filters and sort the data using the Sort & Filter tool. Here you will be able to review:
- Dates changes were made and their effective dates
- Who made those changes
- The employee name and employee number
- The area that was changed including role details/salary/personal details
- What the item was changed from and what it was changed too 












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