How To Generate Pre-Configured Reports Using Reports


Need to obtain information about your employees fast? Want to grab all the information you need in one go? Flare can generate a report for you in just a few clicks!

There are many different reports that can be generated from the Reports section in Flare. 


Follow Me.

1. Go to Organisation > Reports.


2. Here, you can choose the report group, and the report you wish to generate.


3. Click on  . You will be directed to a new pop-up window of the generated report.


Note: Some reports are specific to one employee, to view these reports type the employee name into "enter name" box that appears. 


4. In the new window, you can navigate through the pages, zoom in or out, and export into familiar formats (pdf, xlsx, csv).



5. The Filter Tool  is a smart tool where you can filter your employees by Division, Department, or Location.


Note: The above is an example of the filters, your account many be set up with more divisions, departments and/or locations.



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