How to Edit Cost Centres

This article provides you with a breakdown of the Cost Centres in Flare and outlines how to edit the list, its purpose and where it appears in Flare.


Cost Centres are essential tools for reporting. They separate which sectors employees salaries are charged to for accounting purposes and can be used when integrating with other systems.


Where this field appears:
- Organisation > Manage Employees > Add a new person
- Employee > Employee Details > Role

-Settings > Batch Upload


Follow Me.

1. Go to Settings > Payroll Setup and select the Cost Centres tab.
Note: The title of the cost centre will display when assigning a cost centre to an employee. The mapping value will display in payroll reports.

2. Add a new cost centre by clicking the Add cost centre button and filling out the required details before clicking the save button. 

Edit existing cost centres by selecting the pencil in line with the item you wish to amend and click the save button.
Note: The External Mapping Code cannot be changed once an employee has been assigned to this Cost Centre. 



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