Setting up Administrative Users

In Flare Benefits & Wellbeing, there are two types of admins:
  • An single Owner; and
  • 1 or more Editors.
Both the Owner and Editors can toggle between the Admin view and Employee view to manage and experience their account respectively.
Under the Admin view:
  • The Owner and Editors can access the Perks Manager and Events Manager menus to manage their organisation's Perks and Events.
  • The Owner can access the Access Manager menu to set and remove Editors.

Adding an Editor

If you are the account Owner you can add an Editor by:

  1. navigating to the Access Manager menu in the Admin view of the Flare Web Experience;
  2. entering the email address of the user as matching their Flare profile; and
  3. clicking ‘Add’.

Please note in step 2 you must enter the complete email address of the user and that user must have accessed Flare Benefits prior to being set as an Editor.

The new editor will then have access to the Admin view of the web experience where the can access the Perks Manager and Events Manager menus.

Removing an Editor

If you are the account Owner you can remove an Editor by:

  1. navigating to the Access Manager menu in the Admin view of the Flare Web Experience;
  2. Locating the user you would like to remove;
  3. Clicking ‘Remove’; and
  4. Confirming by clicking ‘Remove’ in the pop-up.



Changing Owner 

If you would like to change your Flare Benefits & Wellbeing Owner to another user, please get in touch with our Support Team.

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