How To Add or Change an Employee Bonus Types via List Management

This article provides you with an overview of the Bonus types list in Flare and outlines how to edit the list, its purpose and where it appears in Flare. 


Bonus types allow you to identify the bonus structure of an employee within your organisation.


Where does this field appear:
- Organisation > Manage Employees > Add a new person
- Employee > Employee Details > Role

To see how to edit a Bonus frequency click here


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To Edit or add to your Bonus Types:

1. Go to:  Settings > Setup > List Management

2. In the look up list select Employee Bonus types:

3. Make the required changes below

a. Select "Add Item" to add a new bonus type to your list, enter the name and update

b. Select Edit next to the required bonus type and you can change the name displayed, make the change and update

c. Select "Delete" next to the required bonus type to delete and confirm the deletion

Note: Any changes will be applied to all areas where the bonus frequency is displayed, including those edited.

Only bonus types that have not been used can be deleted.

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