Contact Flare Support

How to contact us

Instant Answers

If you are looking for immediate answers, our Knowledge Base is the place to go! The Knowledge Base contains How To Videos, an extensive list of step-by-step guides, Webinars and our Ultimate Flare User Guide. 

Email Support

If you can’t find the answers you need, Submit a Request to us and select the appropriate categorisation.

Our team is available Monday to Friday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm AEST


Phone Support

If you have an urgent enquiry, the fastest way to get the help you need is to email us at and tag your issue as ‘Urgent’.

If you need to reach us via phone, contact us on 1300 352 734. 

Please note: that phone support should only be used for critical issues.


Guidelines for Email Support

Below are a few tips to enable us to review and investigate your enquiries in a timely manner


 Give us a brief summary of your issue.

 Steps to
 Reproduce (Technical Issues)

 Provide instructions with as much detail as possible.

  • When did the problem arise? 
  • Steps/actions taken
  • Who is impacted? 
  • Add screenshots where possible
  • If time sensitive, provide an ETA

Priority Categorisation

(Business Impact)

 Identify your issue priority from the list below and include it as part of your
 support request:


 You cannot proceed with your task and it is time critical

 EXAMPLE: I cannot finalise my pay run or I cannot onboard a new employee.


 You cannot proceed with your task and it is not time critical

 EXAMPLE: A report is not working, but you can get the information from
 the employee’s Role page. 


 A feature is not working as intended, but there is a workaround with minimal 
 impact to business operations 

 EXAMPLE: A template document cannot be used, however, custom
 employment contracts can be uploaded 


 Assistance required in navigating the system

 EXAMPLE: Additional training required


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