How to Upload Employees for Benefits Access

If you would like to upload your existing employees to Flare for benefits access only, the simplest and quickest way is through the batch upload feature.

This upload cannot be used to edit status or terminated employees within your Flare account. Please contact our support team for assistance with this here.

Uploading Employees for Benefits Access

  • Navigate to Organisation > Manage Employees and click Batch upload OR navigate to Settings > Batch upload.

  • Under Import Template Type select Basic

  • In Step 1 select:

    Screenshot 2024-04-29 at 11.06.47 AM.png
    • Full name information
    • Full employee details 
    • Payroll details

Note: If you would like to have more information stored against your employees in order to filter between them, you may wish to include the Role details set of columns. This includes fields such as the Legal Entity, Division, Department, Job and Location.


  • After you have selected your groups of columns you are ready to download the Employee Import Spreadsheet in Step 2


    • If you would just like to add new employees to your account, click Get Employee Import Spreadsheet. This will then download a blank import spreadsheet containing the groups of columns selected in Step 1.

    • Alternatively, if you would just like to add new employees to your account AND review and update your existing employee information select the "include existing employee info in the spreadsheet" checkbox before clicking Get Employee Import Spreadsheet. This will then queue for download a spreadsheet containing the groups of columns selected in Step 1 and your existing employee information for these columns. 

      Once this is available for download you will receive an email and can access this either by navigating to Home Action items OR clicking the bell icon on the top right of the page.

  • After downloading the import spreadsheet you can then added in the details of any new employees that you would like to upload AND - if you have downloaded the details of existing employees - update their details if you would like.

    you shouldn't update an employee's email address OR status using the batch upload feature.


    The columns should be completed as follows:

    Column Mandatory in Import Instructions / Notes
    Title No  
    First Name Yes  
    MiddleName No  
    Last Name Yes  
    PreferredName No  
    EthnicOrigin No  
    DateOfBirth No

    This field is recommended to include

    Format: yyyy-mm-dd

    Please note users must be over 13 and under 100 to access benefits

    Gender Yes

    Please select from the dropdown list

    Status Yes Please select Active from the dropdown
    Email Yes

    You must enter a unique value email address

    WorkPhone No


    MobilePhone Yes

    This field is recommended to include

    Please enter a +61 or 04 number 

    HideMobile No


    HideEmail No


    EmploymentBasis Yes

    Please enter the employees current employment type (Full Time, Part Time, etc)

    PayGroup Yes

    'Default' can be selected

    OrdinaryEarningRate No  
    FteRatio No  
    FteSalary No  
    SenorityLevel Yes 'Default' can be selected
    WorHoursCode No  
    StandardWorkHours No  
    WorkHoursPeriod No  
    EmploymentBonusNotes No  
    WorkPartternEffectiveDate No  
    WorkPattern No  


  • Once the import spreadsheet has been completed and saved, navigate back to Settings > Batch upload and import the spreadsheet in Step 3 by clicking Upload Employee data into Flare and selecting your spreadsheet.


    • If your spreadsheet also contains the details of existing employees please ensure that you select the "Existing employee info will be updated..." checkbox.

    • If you included Role details in your template and have added any new divisions, departments, jobs, combinations of, or locations please ensure that select the "Update divisional structure as determined by import file" checkbox.

  • Once you have selected your file it will begin to upload and you will be notified that the batch upload is in progress (or alternatively if there are any errors with the file that need addressing).

    Note: If there are any errors the file will not be imported.


  • After the import has been completed, you will receive an email notification confirming this and any new employees added should automatically receive a welcome email from Flare providing them with the log in details required to access benefits.

    Note: Depending on your account's setup any employees uploaded may need to complete an onboarding process as an existing employee uploaded to Flare.
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