Check-Ins – How To Launch a Check-In

Check-ins allow employees, peers and managers to complete performance reviews. Check ins within Flare can be customised to suit your various employees. Check-ins are set up in smaller individual parts, which you then assemble at the end. You will need to set up the following parts to create a Check-in:

  • Area of Interest: This acts like a category. 
  • Topic: This is a subset of the above category to which you can add -
    • Focus Points: These act like individual questions/statements. 
      • Scale: This allows to set a scale (e.g. 1-10 or Meets expectations - Does not meet expectations)
      • Free text field: This allows for an employee or manager to enter free text

The basic flow of setting up a Check-in is as below:

  1. Establish a rating Scale
  2. Set up Topics
  3. Set up Area of Interest
  4. Prepare the Check-in
  5. Preview the Check-in
  6. Proceed with the Check-in

This article reviews how to proceed and launch a check-in.

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  1. Navigate to Settings > Performance > Review
  2. Click Proceed and then select Yes to schedule the review. The process will then be scheduled and Alerts (if set up) will be sent to all employees


You will not be able to make changes to the Check-in once you clicked 'Proceed' - but you can Clone (see 6.2)


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